The October/November 2024 issue of Innovator, the bimonthly newsletter of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), recognized the efforts of a number of No Boundaries member states.
The Colorado Department of Transportation was lauded for its commitment to working with Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) firms and implementing open-ended DBE performance plans, while the Wisconsin Department of Transportation’s Highway Construction Skills Training Program was praised for its efforts to build a diverse workforce through innovative recruitment and training initiatives.
California, Texas, Virginia and Utah DOTs were all recognized for their innovative pavement solutions. In California and Virginia, in-person workshops have helped to raise awareness of concrete overlays for asset management, while research conducted in Texas showed that asphalt overlays with crack-attenuating mix may reduce reflective cracking and slow the cracking process significantly. Utah used a highly modified asphalt overlay on a high-volume weigh station, potentially adding five more years to the pavement’s service life.
Finally, Maine DOT was noted for its use of smarter work zone technologies that allow the agency to collect traffic data in real time and keep drivers informed.
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Image source: FHWA