Denver, Colorado
September 14-15, 2021
No Boundaries Budget – September 2021
Colorado DOT hosted No Boundaries’ fall 2021 meeting in Denver on September 14-15.
Many of the meeting materials below are available exclusively to No Boundaries members. Please log in to access these files.
No Boundaries Member-Only Content
Session 1 – Tuesday, September 14
8:30 a.m. | Introduction, Welcome and Agenda Review
Tyler Weldon, Colorado DOT, No Boundaries TAC Chair
9:00 a.m. | FHWA Update
Jason Dietz, FHWA Resource Center
9:45 a.m. | Roundtable 1: Electric Vehicles and Charging
Fleet EVs
1. In the next three years are you anticipating to replace maintenance vehicles (half-ton, three-quarter-ton, or one-ton rucks) with fully electric trucks?
2. What types of EV heavy maintenance vehicles (e.g., broom sweepers) are in your maintenance fleet or planned?
3. How has your agency prepared for charging needs? Are you placing charging stations in maintenance facilities?
4. What strategies, best practices, lessons learned can you share?
Public EVs
5. Where and how does your agency install EV charging stations for public use?
6. How many are installed in your state? Paid for (installation, upkeep, electricity costs)? Maintained (equipment servicing; snow removal)?
7. What issues has your agency faced regarding federal rules about commercial activity, including EV charging, at Interstate rest areas (see article from National Association of Truck Stop Operators)?
10:45 a.m. | Clear Roads Recruitment and Retention Project Results
Diana Clonch, DW Clonch
11:00 a.m. | Member Presentation 1: Caltrans maintenance program update
Theresa Drum, Caltrans
11:30 a.m. | Roundtable 2: Drones/UAS in Maintenance
- What types of maintenance activities is your agency using drones for?
- How many are deployed?
- What success and challenges has your agency had?
- Drone pilots for maintenance:
- How many pilots do you have? How is this resource shared around the state?
- How are pilots trained? How is training funded?
1:30 p.m. | No Boundaries Business Meeting
5:00 p.m. | Adjournment
Session 2 – Wednesday, September 15
8:30 a.m. | Welcome, recap and goals for the morning
8:40 a.m. | FHWA Update, part 2
Antonio Nieves, FHWA Office of Infrastructure
9:15 a.m. | Roundtable 3: New Equipment Innovations and Show-and-Tell
- William Gombotz, Connecticut DOT – Excavator
- Tony McClellan, Indiana DOT – Cable Rail Spreader
- Jim Saban, MaineDOT – Maine Innovations
- Todd Rowley, Michigan DOT – Remote-controlled vessels for bridge inspections
- Clark Moe, Minnesota DOT – Electronic Delamination
- Doug Gruver, Ohio DOT – Knuckle Boom
- Alanna Bettis, Texas DOT – Sign Straightener
- William Collier, Virginia DOT – Cone and sign rack
10:45 a.m. | Member Presentation 2: New York State’s Guardrail Program
Ken Relation, New York State Department of Transportation
11:15 a.m. | Meeting Report-out Round Table
1:30 p.m. | Technical Site Visit
4:30 p.m. | Adjournment