In honor of National Work Zone Awareness Week, which will take place next week from April 15-19, we’ve rounded up a few of the innovative solutions that transportation agencies around the country have used to make working in and around traffic less hazardous for their highway maintenance workers.
- iCone. This technology sendswork zone data directly to Waze navigation systems to help keep drivers and maintenance workers in North Dakota’s work zones safer. Learn more.
- Hi-Viz Gaiters. The California Department of Transportation has added high visibility gaiters for highway workers to wear to improve safety at night or when visibility is low. Learn more.
- Barrel Truck Protection. Wisconsin’s Marathon County Highway Department turned an old sign truck into a new tool that can lift and load barrels automatically. Learn more.
- Automated Flagger Assistance Device. Missouri DOT field tested this device on a two-lane work zone and found that drivers behaved better than with a traditional flagger. Learn more.
Share your agency’s innovative products and ideas and explore others’ solutions on No Boundaries’ searchable Innovations Database.